Clean Power Plan: Risks and opportunities
DownloadThis ICF white paper examines the Clean Power Plan's (CPP) potential to be a significant disruptor of markets and company business models. Discussion topics include:
- The biggest decisions driving ultimate impacts on stakeholders
- Decisions that drive big swings in costs, risks, and revenues
- Finding opportunities, making up for lost revenue, and increasing the value of your business
Fundamental decisions by states in the coming two years will have significant implications for participants across the power sector, leading to major swings in the value of generating units and portfolios as well as the attractiveness of investments in new assets. We make use of our unique insights into the CPP as the operator of the premier power sector modeling tool for investor-owned utilities, independent power producers (IPP), nongovernment organizations, and the U.S. government; the financial adviser in numerous power plant transactions; and the firm responsible for implementing 40 percent of the nation's energy efficiency programs. We give examples showing how some of the key decisions that states will make in the next two years could drive significant swings in compliance costs, asset values, returns on investment, and business opportunities.
Related Insight
- EPA's Clean Power Plan