Energy and utilities

Supporting the future growth of utilities and the communities they serve.

How do you prepare for the future of energy in a high-uncertainty world?

Changes across the utility are accelerating, from customer behavior to energy sources to climate risk. We use advanced data modeling and innovative technology solutions to help utilities evaluate the full impact of these interconnected changes—and unlock the possibilities of revenue growth, sustainability, and better customer and community outcomes.

Our services

Strategy and planning

Implementation and engagement

Domain expertise

CO₂Sight: Decarbonization and energy planning platform

CO₂Sight: Energy planning platform

Leverage big data in the cloud to develop a line of sight into energy and decarbonization analytics and develop a personalized state and local action plan.

Our work

Our partners

Our strategic partners

“ICF has made it possible for my company, a service-disabled, veteran-owned business (SDVOB) to grow year-over-year and expand into multiple states. They helped me secure contracts with two of the largest utilities in Maryland. The training, guidance, and opportunity from ICF has allowed me to grow professionally and financially.”

— KC Sanchez, President, Vets Corp Energy Solutions

How utilities can manage surging electricity demand thumbnail image with USA map

How utilities can manage surging electricity demand

A new report maps the locations where demand growth and grid constraints could present the greatest challenges and offers six recommendations for utilities.
Talk to an energy expert today