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About ICF

Steve Fine

Vice President, Distributed Grid Strategy
Steve brings over 30 years of experience working at the confluence of energy, environment, and economics to evaluate and design workable solutions to our biggest energy challenges.

Steve has over 30 years of experience evaluating the economics of conventional and renewable energy resources—both central station and distributed generation—within the context of developing technologies, market design, and environmental regulations. Working with major U.S. power companies and developers, he helps evaluate the impact of distributed resources on their systems and the implications for business models and distribution system planning and operations.

Steve publishes numerous whitepapers on the value of solar and distributed resources. His team works tirelessly to develop innovative analytical frameworks that help utilities and third parties accurately assess the value of these resources in the context of system planning. Steve is the lead author of multiple analyses that evaluate the impact of carbon and other environmental policies on the future generation fleet at national and regional levels.

  • B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz
  • M.A., Economics, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies


A load management strategy: The missing link
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How utilities can evaluate the cost-effectiveness of DERs
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Where is the load, one year after COVID-19 shutdowns?
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Where has all the load gone?
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What utilities can do now: 8 practical steps to evolve your energy efficiency programs
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The hunt for the value of distributed solar
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D.C. City Council's dramatic new proposal in utility regulation
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Getting the most out of distributed resources: 3 challenges for utilities
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Turning Locational Value Into Real Dollars
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Missing links in the evolving distribution markets
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NY REV takes a big step forward: What the SDSIP filing means for the future grid
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The value in distributed energy: It's all about location
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Combined heat and power demonstration shows benefits at data center
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On the grid's bleeding edge: The California, Hawaii, and New York power market revolution
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Capacity performance: Changing the game in PJM ISO
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EPA's 111(d) Clean Power Plan could increase energy efficiency impacts, net benefits, and total value
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What utilities can do now: 8 practical steps to evolve your energy efficiency programs
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