Addressing workforce challenges in the energy sector

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By Dominic Modicamore, Julia Goswick, and Jack Morris

As the energy sector undergoes transformative shifts, workforce challenges loom large. In response to an aging workforce and the surge in distributed energy resources, energy service providers recognize the need for enhanced workforce development.

The U.S. Department of Energy reports a significant increase in energy sector jobs, driven by federal legislation such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). This paper explores the urgency to develop initiatives for upskilling professionals in clean energy, with a focus on the critical challenges and potential solutions for the energy sector workforce.

Read this paper to learn:

  • How IRA and IIJA are driving investments in the energy workforce, with a focus on clean energy and climate solutions.
  • Why the inclusion and retention of underrepresented groups is essential for the energy industry's workforce growth and sustainability.
  • What are effective strategies to address the evolving needs of the energy workforce, including employer-driven training programs, apprenticeships, and incumbent worker training.
Meet the authors
  1. Dominic Modicamore, Lead Labor Economist Consultant, Economic and Workforce Development

    Dominic is an economic and workforce development expert with nearly 25 years of experience in economic analysis, economic and fiscal impact analysis, labor market analytics, cost-benefit and return-on-investment (ROI) analysis, and program evaluation. View bio

  2. Julia Goswick, Energy Sales and Delivery Support Specialist
  3. Jack Morris, Energy Solutions Analyst
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