Regulatory compliance and permitting

We simplify the complex environmental regulatory and permitting processes to ensure your project’s compliance with all applicable regulations.

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Remove the complexity of regulatory processes

Navigating the world of environmental permitting can be daunting. Our team of cross-industry experts help organizations secure the necessary permits and ensure compliance with regulations. Our experts assess and manage permitting needs, providing recommended strategies to meet permit requirements within project budgets and schedules. We also perform required surveys, assessments, and impact studies to identify cost-effective mitigation options.

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Create solutions for sustainable development

Where avoidance and minimization are not practicable, we develop programmatic agreements, conservation plans, and restoration or enhancement alternatives to support successful permit requests for projects impacting the natural and man-made environments.

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Scale strategic end-to-end support

We provide comprehensive support throughout the entire permitting process and develop a tailored strategy that aligns and scales with your goals and regulatory requirements. Our team assists with maintaining permits, implementing compliance with permits, compliance reporting, and addresses any changes or amendments that may arise during or after the construction phase.

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Streamline the permitting process with expert industry insights

With a roster of experts to rely on—including former regulators and industry professionals—we understand the regulatory environment better than anyone else. We have established strong relationships with regulatory agencies, fostering trust and facilitating a smooth and efficient permitting process. Additionally, we offer educational and training courses to keep your teams informed about the latest regulatory requirements, permitting strategies and vehicles, and best practices.

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Leverage technology to increase efficiencies

We combine our expertise with advanced tools and technologies to enhance the efficiency of our services. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) play a crucial role in our operations, providing robust mapping capabilities and visual representations of projects, resources, impacts, and mitigation. We utilize modeling and automation tools to forecast impacts, streamline data collection, automate reporting, and ensure cost-effective compliance with permits.

Our services

Development and planning


Ongoing support

  • Compliance monitoring
  • Compliance reporting
  • Permit compliance
  • Mitigation monitoring and reporting
  • Restoration monitoring and reporting
  • Permit amendments and modifications
  • Adaptive management

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