Big data means big savings for utility program QA/QC

Big data means big savings for utility program QA/QC

As utility programs continue to progress, implementers will need to find new ways to improve program efficiency and lower costs. Next generation programs integrating smart thermostat and smart home technology provide a number of valuable benefits for both utilities and customers.

Leveraging smart thermostat and HVAC data can allow innovative utilities to develop smarter field maintenance programs for their QA/QC of efficiency efforts. See how cutting costs, improving results, and maintaining better relationships with customers can all be achieved with data analytics "know how" in this white paper.

Meet the authors
  1. Justin Mackovyak, Vice President, Utility Program Implementation

    Justin leads program implementation and strategy for clients in the Mid-Atlantic region with more than 15 years’ experience. View bio

  2. Haider Khan, Vice President, Energy Analytics

    With nearly 20 years of experience, Haider applies advanced energy analytics to solve complex problems for utility clients. View bio

  3. David Pudleiner, Energy Engineer, Building Energy Analytics

    David is an energy modeler with nearly 10 years of academic and consulting experience in improving building efficiency across industries. View bio