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About ICF

David Pudleiner

Energy Engineer, Building Energy Analytics
David is an energy modeler with nearly 10 years of academic and consulting experience in improving building efficiency across industries.

David is an energy analytics expert with nearly 10 years of experience. He is the technical lead on various projects, including Demand Side Management (DSM) potential studies, Non-Wires Alternatives (NWA), building-specific and policy level energy simulation, and custom tool development projects for clients. He develops improved analysis methods for load shape development and the utilization of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis within energy efficiency programs and potential estimations. With a bachelor’s and master’s in Mechanical Engineering, David enjoys diving deep into the technical details of energy efficiency and demand response measures to determine accurate and practical forecasting savings methods.

David‘s career in building efficiency began as a graduate research assistant at Georgia Tech. While there, he worked on a project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation examining vaccine warehouse energy usage. During that project, he worked closely with the Tunisian Ministry of Health, which heralded the start of his international development experience.

In his current role, David continues to contribute to international development and energy efficiency. He served as our principal investigator for the formulation of an energy efficiency roadmap for Uganda. This collaboration between the United States Agency for International Development, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and our energy analytics team established a clear path forward for Uganda to decrease peak demand by 442 megawatts through efficiency—47% is economically feasible even under conservative assumptions.

David now focuses on improving building energy efficiency in the commercial utility sector. He leads analysis for DSM potential studies of multiple utilities across the country, including Entergy, Evergy, ComEd, and Cleco. His expertise helps to continually improve modeling methods, including leading the conversion and expansion of our internal potential model from an excel-based tool capable of modeling energy efficiency to an R-based tool that models various Distributed Energy Resources (DER).

As a leader of NWA assessments, David is acutely aware of the time value of the impacts of DERs. He plays a crucial role in integrating hourly analysis into potential modeling and uses both building energy simulation and advanced metering infrastructure data for precise estimation of hourly resource impacts.

  • M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech
  • Certified Energy Manager, Association of Energy Engineers
