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May 24, 2018

Résumé? Check. Cover letter? Check. Personal brand? Make sure you bring that to your next interview, too.

“Tell me about a time when you faced a conflict while working with a large team,” your interviewer asks. “How did you handle that?”

All eyes in the room are on you.

You freeze.

Have you ever been caught off guard by an interview question for your dream job? And then stumbled through your answer only to think of the perfect response hours later?

In the first two episodes of our podcast series, we discussed Getting Ahead and Getting the Interview through personal branding and networking. Now, Rachelle Roberts and T Clark are back with advice that will help you prepare for the next step toward getting hired: the interview itself.

Listen to the podcast below for Rachelle and T’s tips on how to navigate the interview process, from understanding different types of interview formats and managing your nerves to responding to tough questions and following up with a thank you note.

How do you like to prepare for interviews? Which tips did you agree or disagree with? Share with us on social media by tagging @JoinICF on Twitter, or commenting and tagging @ICF on Facebook or LinkedIn.

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