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About ICF

Meris Guerrero

Sr. Manager, Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Meris is an environmental regulatory compliance expert with more than 10 years of experience with federal individual, general, and programmatic permitting efforts.
Meris is a senior regulatory specialist and Southern California Regulatory Team Lead. She uses her thorough understanding of the regulatory review process to provide strategic guidance to clients and facilitate the issuance of regulatory permits. Meris assesses and evaluates project effects on aquatic resources, federally threatened and endangered species, coastal resources, and historic properties. Meris has experience implementing or complying with regulatory legal authorities, including sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act, section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act, section 1602 of the California Fish and Game Code, and the National Environmental Policy Act. She also has conducted jurisdictional delineations, drafted both preliminary and approved jurisdictional determinations, composed and reviewed the full range of aquatic resource permit applications, 404(b)(1) alternatives analyses, environmental assessments, public interest reviews, and compensatory mitigation proposals. Before joining ICF in 2016, Meris was a senior project manager at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, Regulatory Division.
  • M.S., Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Hawaii, Manoa
  • B.S., Environmental Systems: Ecology Behavior, Evolution, University of California, San Diego
