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About ICF
Susan Asam
Vice President, Climate Planning
Susan Asam has over 20 years of experience evaluating the physical impacts of climate change on infrastructure, water resources, and sensitive ecosystems; developing adaptation strategies; planning and facilitating meetings; and developing technical documents and outreach products to translate climate information for use by a wide variety of audiences.
Susan Asam has over 20 years of experience evaluating the physical impacts of climate change on infrastructure, water resources, and sensitive ecosystems; developing adaptation strategies; planning and facilitating meetings; and developing technical documents and outreach products to translate climate information for use by a wide variety of audiences. She has supported the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); National Park Service (NPS); Fish and Wildlife Service (U.S. FWS); Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); General Services Administration (GSA); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); World Bank; Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; California Energy Commission; and numerous other international, federal, state/provincial, and local clients.
Susan has led numerous projects addressing climate change impacts on the built and natural environment. She is currently working at the city, state/provincial, and federal levels to assess climate risks and develop resilience strategies. She is also providing climate resilience planning support to energy utilities.
Susan previously led an FHWA effort to develop an Implementation Guide on nature-based solutions to increase the resilience of coastal highway projects to climate change. She also directed an effort to develop a framework for and conduct a province-wide climate risk assessment for British Columbia. She led the development of a decision framework and companion workbook to assist federal agencies in identifying and managing risks climate change poses to their supply chains (available at www.sftool.gov). Susan has supported the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Park Service in conducting climate change vulnerability assessments of constructed assets and developing climate resilience strategies. She also conducted and documented lessons learned from local-level workshops considering climate change impacts and potential stormwater response options.
Areas of expertise
B.A., Studies in the Environment, Yale University
M.S., Public Policy and Environmental Management, Duke University
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