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About ICF

Mike Alter

Senior Consultant, Distributed Grid Strategy
Mike develops plans to help utility clients modernize distribution system planning processes to enable increased penetration of distributed energy resources.

Mike is a specialist in distributed grid strategy. In his role, he helps clients effectively integrate distributed energy resources (DER) into system planning and operations to capture the full value of their potential.

Mike supports multiple utilities and wholesale market operators in developing frameworks for transmission-distribution (T-D) coordination, which enables DER wholesale market participation while preserving system safety and reliability. He also supports clients in developing wholesale market participation models for DER aggregations in compliance with FERC Order 2222. His in-depth knowledge of T-D coordination developments aids clients worldwide in leveraging best practices for their jurisdiction.

Mike is experienced in DER benefit-cost analysis (BCA) and co-authored the 2020 National Standard Practice Manual for Benefit-Cost Analysis for Distributed Energy Resources. This manual provides a framework for regulators to define primary and secondary BCA tests that account for a range of potential DER impacts. Mike works alongside clients to develop strategies that maximize DER value across potential revenue streams spanning all electric grid levels.

  • M.P.P., Harvard Kennedy School
  • B.A., Rutgers University
