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Extreme heat targets the most vulnerable
Extreme heat is particularly dangerous for disadvantaged communities. Our latest climate modeling shows how it will intensify and offers strategies to help communities prepare for, withstand, and recover from the heat.
About ICF
Edward Fernandez, CFM
Vice President, Disaster Management Mitigation Lead + ICF Climate Center Senior Fellow
Ned is a disaster management mitigation expert with experience in resilience planning, floodplain management, grant funding, and program management.
Ned previously served as Arcadis’ Urban and Coastal Resilience Planning and Policy team lead. In this role, he provided ongoing support to several state, local, and non-profit organizations with grant application development and management. Ned has worked on a variety of resilience planning projects and has served as project manager for several state-level program management initiatives. He has extensive experience with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs, FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program, FEMA Public Assistance program, the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Emergency Relief program, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Mitigation programs. Ned used his experience in hazard mitigation, economic impact analysis, and benefit-cost analysis, to develop methods for post-disaster loss avoidance assessment and to analyze return on investment for flood and wind hazard mitigation projects.
"ICF shares my passion to understand and mitigate the impacts of natural disasters in our communities. I'm proud to join my ICF colleagues in supporting our clients to implement initiatives that will promote a resilient future."
Areas of expertise
Certified Floodplain Manager, The Association of State Floodplain Management
M.S.P., Urban & Regional Planning, Florida State University
B.S., Political Science, Florida State University
B.S., Social Sciences, Florida State University
Linking Disaster Recovery and Mitigation to Climate Resiliency Florida Chamber 34th Annual Environmental Permitting Summer School – July 2019
Using Regional Economic Impact Analysis to Determine the Real Cost of Service Interruptions AWWA ACE 19 – June 2019
Hazard Mitigation for Utilities: Forming Partnerships For Leveraging Resources And Funding Opportunities Water Security Conference – September 2012
Implementing Hazard Mitigation for Water and Wastewater Utilities – FEMA EMI - FEMA 2018 Hazard Mitigation Stakeholders Workshop
Breaking down the FY2023 FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program
4 actions to help disadvantaged communities become more resilient
How Florida can build resilience
Your guide to the FY2022 FEMA Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Program
10 essential FEMA BRIC tips for state and local governments