About ICF

Brandy Bones

Vice President, Community Prosperity, Resilience and Recovery

Brandy (AICP, PMP) is committed to helping communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters and access federal funding to build resilient, equitable communities.

Brandy Bones is vice president of disaster management at ICF. She has 18 years of experience helping states and localities design and implement disaster recovery and mitigation, grant management, and infrastructure and affordable housing programs. With a background in urban planning and neighborhood revitalization, Brandy pilots programs that help state and local governments rebuild and recover after major natural disasters and identify federal funding to build more equitable and resilient communities.

Brandy is an expert in federal disaster recovery funding including HUD’s Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery and Mitigation (CDBG-DR/MIT) programs, FEMA Public Assistance (PA), and FEMA’s Building Resilient Infrastructure Communities (BRIC) program. She has led and provided expert support on disaster recovery and resiliency programs and projects in Texas, North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, Puerto Rico, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Oregon, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Brandy began her ICF career in Louisiana following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, developing policies and procedures for the largest housing recovery program in U.S. history. She’s been on the ground helping state and local governments plan for and recover from almost every significant natural disaster since. Following Superstorm Sandy, Brandy worked with the team that helped New Jersey disburse $2.5 billion to municipalities, homeowners, landlords, and businesses—helping 30,000 people return to their homes or relocate to safer areas.

Brandy also led the execution of HUD's national CDBG-DR Problem Solving Clinics in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and continues to serve as an expert at their national conferences. She spearheaded the development of HUD's CDBG-DR Launch Toolkit and a Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Toolkit for HUD's Office of Housing Counseling. She helps affected communities maximize funding resources to bolster economic opportunities for vulnerable populations. She specializes in managed retreat or voluntary buyout programs—where local governments purchase properties to move households and businesses outside of flood prone areas, demolish the structures, and maintain the resultant land as green spaces that protect surrounding neighborhoods.

Brandy holds an MBA from the University of Florida and a B.A. from Colgate University. She is the vice president of the National Hazard Mitigation Association.

