Environmental justice and equity

Employing cutting-edge equity analysis and stakeholder engagement to ensure that socially vulnerable communities benefit from environmental initiatives
Little girl holding plant

A holistic approach to environmental justice and equity

Environmental justice and equity are integral components of any comprehensive organizational strategy. Examples of our work include conducting equity analyses for regional transportation authorities and environmental justice evaluations for national infrastructure projects. Whether it is reviewing the efficacy of an organization’s overall environmental justice policy or developing a program from the ground up, we can help fully integrate environmental justice and equity into organizational structures, missions, policies, and programs. We have a long history of working on the ground in communities, side-by-side with stakeholders and local leaders, improving the representation of underserved communities—offering guidance where appropriate, assistance where effective, and advocacy where necessary.
Field work

Make data-driven decisions for a more just planet

Using real-world data, we bring a cross-functional approach to help organizations make better-informed decisions about how to consider and quantify environmental justice and equity and establish concrete benchmarks as part of a rigorous results-based approach. Community mapping is essential to determining where federal and state dollars should be allocated and directing needed investment dollars toward socially vulnerable groups. We employ complex analytical strategies that address the needs of a broad range of populations including low-income and minority households and other historically marginalized groups such as LGBTQ communities. Through a tech-forward, data-centric strategy, we collect and analyze social, ecological, and economic data to help target resources where they will yield the most benefits.
Group huddle

Capture and incorporate diverse community perspectives

Underserved communities are neither an afterthought nor a talking point. To make substantive change in people’s lives, we have to meet people where they are, listen, and work with communities on their terms. Our targeted engagement strategies incorporate qualitative input from all stakeholders and help establish more open and inclusive lines of communication to ensure robust engagement and measurable improvements in people's lives. It’s not just good policy to use qualitative input to change how we approach quantitative analysis—it can be incorporated into the very definition of a project’s success.

Our services

Environmental justice and equity strategy integration

Data-driven decision making

Public outreach and stakeholder engagement

  • Creating quantifiable environmental benchmarks that improve public health outcomes
  • On-the-ground partnership and community-driven campaigns for socially vulnerable racial and ethnic minority populations
  • Stakeholder engagement and collaborative decision-making models that incorporate community sentiment
  • Integrated in-house communications strategies for authentic connections with target audiences

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