Habitat conservation planning and implementation

Leverage the best solution for your project’s unique endangered species compliance needs.

Customized solutions to fit your needs

We work diligently to understand your organization’s objectives, and then develop an approach, scope, and staffing plan to efficiently and effectively achieve results tailored to your specific needs. With a deep understanding of state and federal regulations including the Endangered Species Act (ESA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), our team develops business cases, permitting strategies, habitat conservation plans (HCP), and mitigation approaches using the latest tools and best practices.
Body of water and wind turbines

Collaborate with trusted advisors

We work as an extension of a client’s team to advise, support, and implement science-based, creative solutions to address the most challenging endangered species and conservation needs. Because we understand the permitting and conservation planning process from beginning to end, project implementation is a collaborative approach that combines your mission with subject matter experts. We also educate and build capacity for our clients to set them up for long-term success.
Men working on computers in the field

Innovative technology solutions to support implementation

Implementing complex conservation and mitigation programs can be costly and time-consuming. We bring innovative solutions—including technology—to make implementation effective and cost-efficient. Because stakeholder support is often important for success, we provide web-enabled tools for clear and transparent reporting and data-driven analytics to support implementation.

Our services


  • Strategic advice and training
  • Business cases
  • Habitat conservation plans (HCPs)
  • Natural community conservation plans (NCCPs)
  • Safe harbor agreements (SHAs)
  • Candidate conservation agreements with assurances (CCAAs)
  • Eagle conservation plans (ECPs)
  • ESA Section 7 biological assessments and consultations
  • Regional conservation investment strategies (RCISs)
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Integration with state and federal wildlife and wetland laws


  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
  • Hawaii Environmental Policy Act (HEPA)
  • Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)


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