Designing for agility, talent advancement, and high performance is critical. Our experts match organizational design, process, talent, and roles to your overarching strategy. We build teams to meet new needs or optimize existing designs to be more modern, agile, and digital-first.
Two people planning with post-its

“North Star” workshopping

How do you engage in your day-to-day work while keeping the end game in mind? We make sure all teams—especially those working in fast-paced environments—have a clear vision that creates alignment and prioritization. Our North Star workshops, which can be used alone or as a kickoff to organizational design, align organizational strategy and structure for dynamic team morale and higher performance.
people walking

Operating model design

Before jumping into the hands-on work of designing lines and boxes, we take a step back and start with the strategy. It’s crucial that the philosophy behind the organizational operation is clear—and that all stakeholders are aligned around it. We help organizations evaluate opportunities such as centralization and decentralization, agile orgs, outsourcing, and automation.
woman examining data report on tablet


Information is key to decisionmaking. We provide both proprietary and custom benchmarking to help leaders understand the competitive and industry environments. With a large network for outreach and strong approaches for consolidating data, we help our clients with benchmarks that validate design objectives and defend and define resourcing levels.
cargo ship loading

Operational efficiency and process design

Let’s face it. Efficiency factors such as cost, performance, and speed are among the highest priorities for most organizations. Our team can diagnose and make recommendations around team and organizational efficiency. We also look across budgets and make synergy and ROI recommendations. Our various process approaches unlock roadblocks, delivering clarity in supporting high performance teams.
colleagues talking in a group

Organizational design

When designing an organization, we are careful to create buy-in around design principles and embrace a cooperative approach. All to ensure that we’re rooted in a company's current business strategy, existing culture, and appropriate levels of change.

We also design solutions that maintain and grow opportunities for current talent, balancing the costs as well as attrition and hiring.

work team leaning over table

Organizational assessments

For leadership teams, it can be difficult to be objective when assessing the health of an organization. Performing a health check on your company can be a powerful tool. Our assessments combine benchmarking, team interviews, and other best practices, giving executives strategic guidance about their team structure. These assessments are especially useful before and after large-scale change (e.g. M&A), and when new leaders join organizations.
swimmers in lanes

Role clarity and competency models

Role clarity, competency models, and appropriate leveling can sometimes fall by the wayside, leading to employee dissatisfaction and organizational confusion. Our experts develop job descriptions, guide leveling reviews, and create career guidance to ensure employee success. We also study overlap between jobs, host workshops, and make recommendations to improve clarity and organizational morale.
Two people gesturing to computer monitor

M&A organizational design consulting

Our specialized experts work with teams going through multi-year M&A. We provide the optimal blend of organizational design and human-centered change expertise required during massive and prolonged organizational upheaval in M&A. From planning, to Day One, to execution, we ensure that design, synergy, and change management plans work together to get the most value from the deal.

Our services

Experience strategy and design

  • User experience design
  • Journey mapping
  • User research and usability testing;
  • Content strategy
  • Lifecycle communications strategy
  • Consumer and brand research

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