Wind in southwest power pool (SPP) is not so simple

Wind in southwest power pool (SPP) is not so simple

It is well known that the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has been a strong area for wind growth, but can this growth actually harm future wind development in the area? SPP has begun to see issues with transmission congestion and curtailment that may hinder its wind future. While the region has seen some smart and beneficial transmission policies to spur the initial growth, the work isn’t over to keep the transmission of power simple.

Download this ICF white paper to see how transmission issues are affecting SPP and what can be done about it in the future.

Meet the authors
  1. Shankar Chandramowli, Director, Energy and Power Markets

    Shankar possesses over 10 years of experience in energy market consulting, with expertise in energy policy research, due diligence assessments, economic analysis of energy systems, and public stakeholder engagement.  View bio

  2. Himali Parmar, Vice President, Energy Advisory Services, Interconnection and Transmission

    Himali joined ICF in 2002 and is an expert in renewable integration, interconnection assessments, production cost modeling, forecasting transmission congestion and losses, and their effect on locational power prices and asset valuation. View bio

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