The value in distributed energy: It's all about location

The value in distributed energy: It's all about location

At ICF, our consultants stay on the cusp of the industry conversation, offering thought leadership and detailed insights that steer our clients toward the solutions that speak to the challenges facing them today.

No topic has dominated the power conversation recently as much as the rise of distributed energy resources (DER). The effects—and potential benefits—could be enormous but do not accrue equally in all places, across all technologies, or to all users. And with high integration costs, determining the true, locational net value of DER has become critically important.

In this paper, some of ICF’s top energy and environmental minds contribute their experience with DER benefit/cost analyses to elaborate on current valuing of DER and why the approaches used previously in many states for estimating the narrower value of solar (VOS) are now insufficient to meet the industry’s needs.

Download to learn from the experts about the technically demanding and complex analysis required for value of DER, including specifics from a California case study, and how the findings can provide insights and contribute to improved planning and investment.

Meet the authors
  1. Steve Fine, Vice President, Distributed Grid Strategy

    Steve brings over 30 years of experience working at the confluence of energy, environment, and economics to evaluate and design workable solutions to our biggest energy challenges. View bio

  2. Samir Succar, Senior Director, Distributed Grid Strategy

    Samir develops innovative approaches to distribution system planning, distributed resource integration, and transmission/distribution coordination. View bio