A utility-regulator discussion on the future of the industry

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Utility leaders, how do we get from where we are to where we need to be? We know the imperatives—climate change mitigation, grid resilience, social/energy justice, COVID-19, a technology revolution—and we also know that utilities cannot build a clean and equitable energy future on their own. Utilities have always had to make their case to regulators and other stakeholders every step of the way.

Building the utility of the future will require a serious reconsideration of how we collectively think about the relationship between utilities and regulators. In this webinar, Jeffrey Ackermann, former chair of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, and industry expert and former utility executive Val Jensen share ideas and trade perspectives on what the future regulatory model might look like.

The conversation covers hot industry topics such as:

  • How to provide customers with the services they need and the experiences they deserve.
  • An insider’s perspective on the regulatory landscape and what we can expect as the industry faces the combined pressures of technology, customers, and climate.
  • How to address pressing issues such as decarbonization, affordability, modernization, community growth, equity, and resilience.
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Meet the authors
  1. Jeff Ackermann, Senior Policy Advisor: The Center for the New Energy Economy and Senior Advisor: The Regulatory Assistance Project
  2. Philip Mihlmester, Executive Vice President, Global Energy

    With over 45 years of experience in the energy sector, Phil is a strategic advisor to senior industry and government executives specializing in policy, regulatory, and market analysis across the energy value chain. View bio