How to run successful large-scale electrification programs

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It is a truth that should be universally acknowledged: large-scale electrification programs are not your mother’s and father’s energy efficiency programs.

While electrification is a critical component of the energy strategy for many U.S. states, utility leaders know that building and transportation electrification will drive new demand peaks and stress local distribution grids.

As the largest implementer of electrification programs in North America, ICF's experts know what it takes to set programs up for success. Our latest paper illuminates trends in electrification program design and reveals what you need to know to accomplish your load management goals.

Get the paper to learn:

  • The four hurdles that must be overcome to create the conditions for program success.
  • An approach that utilities can take to achieve the necessary integration across various functions.
  • How the New York State (NYS) Clean Heat program, a statewide electrification program, succeeds by involving multiple utilities across service territories.
Meet the authors
  1. Matt Dugan, Vice President, Program Implementation, ICF

    Matt has more than two decades of experience in developing and implementing electric, natural gas, and carbon reduction energy efficiency programs. View bio

  2. Laura Orfanedes, Senior Marketing Account Director, Energy

    Laura has extensive experience in marketing and communications account management, marketing, branding, strategy, communications, creative and collateral development, and customer research. View bio

  3. Chris Watson, Vice President, Beneficial Electrification

    Chris is an expert in the energy, renewables, and energy efficiency sector with over 20 years of experience. View bio