Port electrification benefits the local economy and environment while providing new electric load for utilities
DownloadBased on the U.S. EPA’s new report, electric utilities serving water ports should seek partnerships with port authorities and their tenants to implement port electrification strategies, which would impact the environmental and economic well-being of their local communities.
The National Port Strategy Assessment provides an overview of emissions sources at major seaports, Great Lakes ports, and inland river ports throughout the U.S. This recently released report points out that ports are major economic engines in the surrounding communities, but are also a significant source of air pollutants due, in large part, to diesel emissions stemming from both land-side and water-side transportation and cargo handling equipment.
By assisting in the process of port electrification, utilities serving the nation’s major ports stand to gain increased sales in addition to environmental benefits and enhanced economic growth.
In this quick take, ICF examines:
- Port emissions reduction and load growth potential
- Economic and environmental benefits of port electrification
- Potential strategy for utilities to engage with ports
Learn how ICF can help utilities design and deliver their own programs, can facilitate discussions with government agencies to secure grants, and can support joint efforts between utilities, ports and agencies to evaluate, design, and deliver programs. Download this report today.