Watchlist for PJM’s 2022-2023 Base Residual Auction (BRA)

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PJM is scheduled to hold the Base Residual Auction (BRA) for the 2022-2023 Delivery Year in May 2021, two years later than initially planned because of delays in finalizing the buy-side capacity market mitigation rules. The three years since the prior BRA have resulted in several key changes to the PJM capacity market design—along with a number of other market changes, all of which are expected to impact the auction results. 

Download this paper now to learn about demand- and supply-side changes, capacity price outlook, and what is in store for the market’s future.

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Meet the authors
  1. George Katsigiannakis, Vice President, Energy and Power Markets

    George is an expert in U.S. electricity markets with a deep understanding of all factors affecting U.S. wholesale electric markets including market design, environmental regulations, fuel markets, transmission, renewable, energy efficiency, and demand side management. View bio

  2. Shubhangi Sharma, Manager, Energy Power Markets
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