NY REV takes a big step forward: What the SDSIP filing means for the future grid

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ICF hosted a record-breaking number of participants on its most recent webinar and will continue to provide timely analysis of the topics most relevant to energy market stakeholders. 

This webinar focused on the latest developments in New York's groundbreaking Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) proceeding. On November 1, New York’s Joint Utilities submitted the most important regulatory filing yet: The Supplemental Distributed System Implementation Plan (SDSIP). It lays out a coordinated five year vision for how utility distribution system planning, grid operations, and market operations will evolve to integrate distributed energy resources (DER), modernize the grid, expand customer choice, and facilitate market innovation. ICF supported the Joint Utilities of New York in developing this filing and facilitating the stakeholder discussions that helped to shape it.

View the webinar recording now to learn from ICF's experts about what the plan says and how the market will evolve in New York.

Meet the author
  1. Steve Fine, Vice President, Distributed Grid Strategy

    Steve brings over 30 years of experience working at the confluence of energy, environment, and economics to evaluate and design workable solutions to our biggest energy challenges. View bio