How customer demand impacts during COVID-19 are influencing Con Edison's residential programs

How customer demand impacts during COVID-19 are influencing Con Edison's residential programs
As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, the impact of the virus—especially stay-at-home orders—is changing energy load patterns and demand. This is particularly true in New York state, where patterns have shifted dramatically. Con Edison and ICF explore the impacts of COVID-19 on load shapes and patterns in New York and how those changes may impact the way utilities like Con Edison may approach program design and implementation and customer behavior, engagement, and education.
This webinar covers:
  • Changing load patterns nationally and in New York including overall load decreases and load shifts from commercial and industrial to residential demand
  • Implications of this situation on utility program design and implementation
  • Implications of this situation on customer value proposition for and education on utility programs and rates
  • Rebecca Roberts, Section Manager, Innovative Pricing Pilot, Utility of the Future, Con Edison
  • Gregory Elcock, Director, Energy Efficiency and Demand Management, Con Edison
  • Steve Fine, Vice President, Managing Director, Commercial Energy, ICF
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Meet the author
  1. Steve Fine, Vice President, Distributed Grid Strategy

    Steve brings over 30 years of experience working at the confluence of energy, environment, and economics to evaluate and design workable solutions to our biggest energy challenges. View bio