Clean Power Plan transmission investments

Clean Power Plan transmission investments

This ICF International white paper examines how the Clean Power Plan (CPP) has the potential to fundamentally reshape the U.S. power map. Less clear is exactly how quickly systems and stakeholders will adjust and who will identify and seize opportunities that will open up in time to match the changes in available resources. Key topics include transmission security, transmission security investment, and implications.

The size and scope of the needed transmission investment is manageable; however, the timeline to conceive and complete projects is a greater challenge. In short, the grid can remain reliable through the implementation of the CPP as currently proposed, but the grid will not do so by itself. Proactive planning and investors looking to capitalize on opportunities are essential. The nation cannot simply rely on assertions that the grid will be reliable.

ICF is actively working with clients on identifying future transmission needs in their regions, valuing existing or planned assets, assessing the impact of projected generating unit retirements, and mitigating overall risks in a rapidly changing environment.

Meet the author
  1. Kenneth Collison, Vice President, Energy

    Ken is an expert in electricity market analysis, helping stakeholders improve the planning, operation, and development of the electric sector.  View bio