Practical insights to drive industry decarbonization in Europe

Practical insights to drive industry decarbonization in Europe
By Mark Allington, Tom Lock, , Jonathan Lonsdale, Yeen Chan, and Pawan Tiwari
Consulting Director – Energy
Senior Consulting Director – Sustainable Finance & Climate Policy

Industrial decarbonisation is full of complex challenges and innovative solutions that are within reach. Those solutions, when deployed at a large scale, will contribute strongly to a net zero emissions future.

Currently, industry produces around 20% of European Union (EU) emissions. This means that achieving the EU goal of net zero emissions by 2050 will not be possible without decarbonising industry, which includes the production of metals and minerals, chemicals, food and drink, paper and pulp, ceramics, glass, oil refineries, and manufacturing.

Within the EU and UK, the following six sectors account (on average over 2010 – 2021) for >78% of total industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) annual emissions, and 96% of non-fuel combustion-related GHG annual emissions.

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hard to abate sectors graph

A range of technologies are available for decarbonisation, with their relevance depending on the sector, as well as significant variations in efficacy, cost, technology maturity, and acceptability to site operators.

This report focuses on pathways to industrial decarbonisation at a macro level, before looking in detail at technologies for industrial decarbonisation on a sector-by-sector basis.

Meet the authors
  1. Mark Allington, VP – Green Transition, Climate & Energy

    Mark has more than 30 years of experience working as a management consultant on UK and international projects that shape the regulatory environment for sustainable energy. View bio

  2. Tom Lock, Consulting Director – Energy

    Tom has more than 15 years of experience managing and delivering energy-related product policy programs for public and private sector clients spanning the United Kingdom, Europe, and internationally. View bio

  3. Jonathan Lonsdale, Senior Consulting Director – Sustainable Finance & Climate Policy

    Jonathan drives sustainable finance into existing and emerging European climate-neutral value chains, with more than 25 years of experience developing European public policy in environment, energy, and climate change. View bio

  4. Yeen Chan, Senior Consulting Director, Energy

    Yeen provides solutions for the public and private sectors, with more than 10 years of experience developing and delivering services for the energy industry. View bio