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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Real stories of the opioid epidemic

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Supporting the CDC in the fight against prescription opioid overdose


With a staggering public health crisis unfolding, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) needed to deliver this life-saving message to those at-risk for an opioid use disorder: Prescription opioids can be addictive and dangerous.
RxAwareness: a targeted public awareness campaign across digital, radio, and video channels
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How we did it

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CDC entrusted our health communications team to develop, test and launch RxAwareness, a public education campaign targeting adults at risk for an opioid use disorder. The campaign showcases real stories of people whose lives have been negatively affected by prescription opioids. We launched the campaign in key communities across the country through digital, social, broadcast, and out-of-home channels.
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This highly effective campaign reflects a research-based and audience-driven approach that is helping to change the public’s awareness and behaviors toward prescription opioids. Most who saw the campaign said they would seek alternatives to opioids, or avoid them altogether. Campaign research and evaluation suggests that personal stories and targeted media help sensitive health issues resonate with the public.
Of intended audience saw a campaign video
intend to avoid using prescription opioids because of exposure to the campaign
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