Storage economics in ISO New England

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In ISO-NE’s February auction, 630 MW of storage capacity cleared at a low capacity price of $2.61/kW-mo. The momentum for storage development in New England is strong; there are several GWs of storage resources currently in the interconnection queue. 

The near-term growth is supported by strong ancillary service pricing and various state mandates at both the distribution and wholesale level. It’s important to understand how these drivers, associated sources of revenue, and the overall use case for storage resources are going to evolve with increasing penetration of such resources. Will this low capacity price be sufficient to support the growth of storage resources with changing market dynamics over time?

In this on-demand webinar, ICF energy experts discuss the overall potential of and outlook for storage economics in ISO-NE. The conversation covers hot industry topics such as:

  • Drivers and indicators of strong storage growth
  • Various state mandates (e.g., MA’s smart program and Clean Peak Standard)
  • Merchant storage economics and various storage revenue streams 
  • Expectations of storage growth over time


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Meet the author
  1. George Katsigiannakis, Vice President, Energy and Power Markets

    George is an expert in U.S. electricity markets with a deep understanding of all factors affecting U.S. wholesale electric markets including market design, environmental regulations, fuel markets, transmission, renewable, energy efficiency, and demand side management. View bio

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