Joe Raymond
Joe has more than 30 years of executive leadership experience working in social services and public health in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Joe brings a sincere passion for human services and organizational leadership to his professional roles. He served as a national consultant as well as the executive director for the state of Maryland’s Economic Assistance programs. Joe was the director of social services in three counties and served as health and human services director for a fourth county. In his roles, he was responsible for the administration of a full range of social services, including public assistance, child support enforcement, child welfare, and services for adults with disabilities and the elderly.
Joe’s current position enables him to take an active role in multiple projects and initiatives that span the breadth of the United States. He has facilitated numerous national webinars for both the Federal Office of Family Assistance and the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Topics generally ranged from virtual work and organizational change to trauma-informed practice. Joe has also been the primary coach for multiple state teams regarding TANF and workforce innovation, and has facilitated multiple states’ team-planning exercises, including but not limited to West Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. He also led a TANF-modernization initiative with the State of West Virginia that built capacity around measurable outcomes, employability assessment, and job training. Joe coordinated and led strategic planning conversations with California’s SNAP CalFresh program, which yielded a CalFresh Results Framework that was integral to driving measurable improvements in outcomes for California families.
Joe was likewise the Project Director for a SNAP Process Technology and Improvement Grant for the state of Maryland that piloted an online employability assessment program. He served as chief architect for California’s Child Support Innovation grant, which placed pathways to employment at the heart of California’s Child Support Program. In his current role, Joe has worked extensively in content design and strategies to support training, quality assurance and client relations for Maryland’s comprehensive Customer Service Care Center. Finally, in his capacity as a lead strategic planning consultant for the Florida Department of Children and Families, Joe oversaw the development of a results framework that empowered communities to achieve core program outcomes. Joe has spearheaded numerous strategic planning, organizational development, and best practice efforts in every context, ranging from the federal to the local level. His work provides him with expertise in developing quantifiable benchmarks (including and especially around the social determinants of health), service and strategy alignment, and fostering results-oriented inter-organizational collaboration. Joe led the development of over 159 formal community collaboratives in Georgia and yet more in other states across the nation. He has designed and led hundreds of facilitated planning sessions of all sizes and scopes.
Joe possesses a unique wealth of experience in improving organizational leadership and dynamism. His long career’s worth of expertise runs the gamut from board governance and public administration to public assistance and social services for both children and adults in need. Joe has an M.P.A. from Harvard University and an M.P.A. from the University of North Carolina.