About ICF

Brandon Hunter-Pazzara

Lead Researcher, Worker Rights and Labor Relations

Brandon has more than a decade of experience helping governments, labor unions, and businesses use research to strengthen labor rights and improve workplace relations.

Dr. Brandon Hunter-Pazzara (Ph.D., J.D.) serves as a lead researcher at ICF. He has more than a decade of experience working with universities, governments, labor unions, and businesses to design and conduct research that strengthens labor rights and improves workplace conditions.

With a background in social science research methods and expertise in domestic and international labor relations, Brandon brings an assortment of tools and analytical lenses to help clients understand and devise effective solutions to a range of workplace issues.

At ICF, Brandon leads the Indo-Pacific Labor Rights in Electronic Supply Chains project, a Department of Labor-funded study assessing the status of worker organizations and worker rights in the electronics sector in 10 countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

Brandon holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University, a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and a M.A. and B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin.

  • Ph.D., Princeton University
  • J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
  • M.A. and B.A., University of Texas at Austin