Applied research and modeling
Our thought leadership drives the industry. We use it—along with the latest fisheries technology—to design and implement research studies and monitoring programs that help you answer critical water management questions.

NEPA and CEQA permitting
You need to meet stringent government environmental regulations. We coordinate with state, local, and federal agencies to apply critical thinking that will comply with the permit terms your project requires.

Large project implementation
How do you keep your project on time and on budget? Our scientists offer a diverse set of skills that can keep it on track every step of the way—no matter the scope or size.
Our services
Project management
- Habitat restoration
- Dredge monitoring
- Foodweb studies
- Field research and related lab work
- Taxonomy
- Species recovery
- Species distribution
- Invasive species control studies
- Fish passage
- Ecosystem modeling
- Fish and wildlife studies
Water management
- Adaptive management planning
- Permit tracking
- Regulatory compliance
- Criteria development
- Compliance studies
Science-supported solutions
- Structured decision making
- Statistically valid study plans
- Predation and operation impact studies
- Biotelemetry
- Ecosystem monitoring
- Hatchery and aquaculture assessments
Data visualization and database management
- Machine learning
- Big data integration
- Real-time prediction
- Simulation analysis
- Data visualization
- Data analysis support
- Statistical analysis
- Quantitative habitat modeling
Our work
Our experts
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