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About ICF

Jennifer Harvey

Director, Human Capital
Jennifer is an expert in workforce and human capital and research and evaluation in the public sector with over 20 years of experience.

Jennifer works with federal, state, local, military, and private-sector clients to enhance their talent acquisition and talent development processes and practices. She has developed both text-based and computer-animated situational judgment tests, job simulations, in-baskets, multiple-choice knowledge tests, biodata scales, structured interviews, and training and experience questionnaires.

Previously, Jennifer served for nine years as the job analysis and assessment development, administration, and validation program manager for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In this role, she worked with the IRS to update, enhance, and administer selection processes for several of their mission-critical occupations. Additionally, she provided assessment development and validation services for the Army Research Institute in support of the Army’s Talent Management efforts, the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Personnel Management, the Marine Corps Recruiting Command, and the General Services Administration, as well as several state and local organizations.

Jennifer began her career with us conducting job analyses and developing various selection assessments for several jobs within the Alabama Department of Transportation and has continued to perform this type of work throughout her two decades with our organization. However, she also has experience supporting other types of human capital practices, including talent development and talent management. For example, Jennifer designed leadership development solutions–coaching, peer networking, and action learning–and developed training content for courses and guidebooks. She also developed and implemented training assessments and evaluation tools to assess training effectiveness and has advised on training performance metrics.

Jennifer has also led workforce staffing and organizational assessments in support of workforce planning. She designed, administered, and analyzed organizational surveys and is well-versed in quantitative, qualitative, and psychometric methodologies and analyses.

  • Ph.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of Akron
  • Hatfield, J., Gurira, C, & Harvey, J. (2015). Examining adverse impact in selection systems using high-fidelity animations. Symposium presentation given at the annual Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology conference (April 25, 2015), Philadelphia, PA.
  • Harvey, J., Szoc, R., Dela Rosa, M., Pohl, M., & Jenkins, J. (2013). Understanding the Competencies Needed to Customize Jobs: A Competency Model for Customized Employment. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38, 77-89.
  • Harvey, J., Anderson, L., Baranowski, L. & Morath, R. (2007). Job analysis: Gathering job specific information. In D. L. Whetzel and G. R. Wheaton, Applied Measurement: Industrial Psychology in Human Resources Management. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Harvey, J. L., McGonigle, T. P., & Bocketti, B. K. (2003). A process for developing a work sample in the midst of practical challenges. In D. Whetzel (Chair), New twists on several measurement methods. Symposium conducted at the 18th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Orlando, FL.
