RIF 101: The basics of reduction in force
In our last webinar, Why Your Agency Is Not Prepared for a Reduction in Force (RIF), ICF’s expert panel discussed reasons federal agencies may not be ready for a RIF, the steps required to prepare for a RIF, and tips for successful RIF preparation.
We invite you to join ICF’s RIF experts for our next webinar, RIF 101: The Basics of Reduction in Force, on Thursday, June 22nd from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EST. Jeff Neal and Debra Tomchek are back to discuss what you need to know about the intricacies of implementing a RIF.
In this webinar, Jeff and Deb will share their first–hand insights and examine:
- The building blocks for successfully running a Reduction in Force
- The foundation of a Reduction in Force: a closer look at Competitive Areas and Competitive Levels
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