NEPA practice in a time of unprecedented change

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National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) practitioners are facing significant changes due to recent Executive Orders, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) interim final rule removing NEPA implementing regulations, CEQ NEPA Implementation Guidance, and federal court actions.

Given these changes and the implications on NEPA practice, our experts hosted a session to discuss:

  • Which topics previously addressed in NEPA documents are no longer required.
  • Additional changes we anticipate in the near future.
  • Guidance for complying with or writing NEPA documents during interim periods.
  • Methods for streamlining NEPA compliance and ensuring sufficient review (e.g., programmatic, PELs, permitting dashboard).

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Meet the authors
  1. Kristi Black, J.D., Managing Director, Environmental Planning
  2. Brian Calvert, Senior Managing Director, Environmental Planning

    Brian’s experience includes managing the planning and environmental work associated with a number of projects. He specializes in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis for projects involving the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Caltrans. View bio

  3. Chris Elliott, Senior Vice President, West Line of Business Leader, Environment & Planning Division

    Chris is a senior vice president, managing our west line of business for ICF’s environment and planning division. With more than 30 years of experience in environmental regulatory compliance, habitat restoration, flood management, and water resource projects, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role. View bio

  4. Pam Schanel, Managing Director, Environmental Planning

    Pam has over two decades of experience analyzing environmental impacts, facilitating public involvement, and coordinating federal agency consultation for complex and controversial projects. View bio

  5. Rich Walter, Vice President, Environmental Planning

    Rich has over three decades of experience in environmental planning, climate action planning, compliance strategy, permitting, and mitigation development and implementation for private and public sector clients. View bio

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