Understanding the locational value of distributed energy resources supports utility solutions that can save costs, strengthen customer relationships, and enhance program cost-effectiveness. In this paper, ICF presents our efficient approach to determining locational value, as well as a case study of how we used our analysis to find higher distribution avoided costs for one utility. We show how these kinds of findings can be leveraged into creating more cost-effective utility programs, targeting efforts to locations with the greatest grid benefit, and ultimately delivering more value both to utilities and customers.
David Pickles, Senior Vice President: Strategy, Energy, Environment, and Infrastructure
David has more than 30 years of experience advising clients on utility resource planning, energy efficiency, demand-side management, non-traditional product and service development, and operations of unregulated utility subsidiaries. View bio
Steve Fine, Vice President, Distributed Grid Strategy
Steve brings over 30 years of experience working at the confluence of energy, environment, and economics to evaluate and design workable solutions to our biggest energy challenges. View bio
Kevin Duffy, Manager, Innovation Pilots
Kevin helps clients forge the utilities of the future, elevating customer engagement and seeking new technologies. View bio