Clean energy development: Beyond New York and California

Clean energy development: Beyond New York and California

With nearly a fifth of the total U.S. population and the most aggressive Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requirements in the country (50 percent renewable energy by 2030), California and New York represent the two largest markets for RPS-driven renewable energy demand in the country. As such, these two states receive a lot of attention as key markets for renewable development.

However, recent utility-scale wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) installations reveal a much more extensive renewable landscape that spans the majority of the country. Since 2013, 26 states have added at least one utility-scale wind project, and PV installations over this time period have been even more prevalent, covering 33 states.

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Meet the author
  1. Chris MacCracken, Vice President, Energy Advisory

    Chris is an energy policy expert with more than 25 years of experience helping public and private sector clients to understand the impacts of energy and environmental regulation on electricity markets. View bio

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