Making dollars and sense of CAISO's price spikes

Making dollars and sense of CAISO's price spikes
By Dinesh Madan and Manfei Wu

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) is increasingly seeing price spikes in its markets that will benefit a select few. Why are these spikes occurring? Who benefits from this trend? How is CAISO looking to mitigate the volatility?

In this white paper ICF’s experts dive in to how the CAISO markets operate, the causes behind these spikes, and why CAISO’s efforts will only shift the revenues from one market to another. Download now to understand the drivers and who can take advantage of this phenomenon.

Meet the authors
  1. Dinesh Madan, Senior Director, Energy Power Markets

    Dinesh Madan joined ICF in 2005 and has been extensively involved in the areas of energy market modeling, wholesale power market assessment, asset valuation and financial modeling, and restructuring and litigation support including contract evaluation and risk assessment.   View bio

  2. Manfei Wu, Senior Consultant, Energy Power Markets
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