Disaster recovery: 5 best practices

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By Dolores Acurso and Doug White

The prevalence of natural disasters has increased significantly within the past few decades, and the cost of disaster recovery continues to rise. It’s more important than ever that community leaders proactively develop plans to respond to these events.

Understanding how to secure disaster recovery funding and maximize your funding dollars is a critical component of the preparation process. Without this knowledge, communities run the risk of missing opportunities, having grants cancelled, and preventing impacted citizens from recovering.

Read this paper to learn:

  • The documentation and procedures you should maintain to maximize recovery funding
  • How to remain compliant while accessing as many funding sources as possible
  • How to prioritize elements of your response so funds are used effectively
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Meet the authors
  1. Dolores Acurso, Senior Director, Disaster Management

    Dolores is an expert in designing and managing disaster recovery programs with more than 25 years of experience. View bio

  2. Doug White, Vice President, Disaster Management

    Doug is an expert in natural disaster response and recovery with extensive experience advising and implementing the FEMA Public Assistance program and construction projects. View bio