In-person Event

Infocast: Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit

Phoenix, AZ
Mar 16–19
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ICF is pleased to be a Premier sponsor for this year’s Solar + Wind Summit. We hope to see you at the event!

To successfully finance a project, developers need lenders, investors, and tax equity providers to fully understand projected performance, revenues, and risks. That’s where ICF can help: Our team of experts are available to evaluate an asset’s technology, market value, and potential for return, reviewing all related commercial agreements, designs, site studies, permits, and technical inputs. We are a trustworthy and bankable consultant, offering expertise across a broad set of domains and service areas, including independent engineering, power markets, and transmission considerations.

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Panel discussion: Power Markets & Power Pricing

Monday, March 17 | 1:35 PM – 2:20 PM MST

Speaker: Pat Milligan, Senior Manager, Power Markets Advisory

The average retail price of electricity rose 3.7% on a nominal basis in 2024, and 2025 prices may be only incrementally higher if the geopolitical landscape remains relatively stable, despite extreme weather, interest rate changes, FERC rulings, and load growth. This session will discuss the state of U.S. power markets, pricing curves, project valuations, and the economic useful life of projects. .

  • What are the latest price trends across energy markets? Are forecasts changing? What regions are seeing the most demand growth? Are ERCOT redesign, MISO’s reforms, CAISO’s storage initiatives, or any other change affecting outlooks? Are trends in load growth impacting pricing?
  • Forward price curves, risk assessment, and long-term project valuations: What are the assumptions and expectations vs. the reality? How accurate is forward pricing given data center demand?
  • What regions are seeing what issues? Are capacity markets functioning with higher renewable penetration, or are generators being squeezed? How is ERCOT market redesign playing out?
  • Is the economic landscape affecting pricing and project bankability? Are the costs of climate events being factored in? When might decarbonization technologies change O&G pricing assumptions?
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