How Washington Gas is approaching renewable natural gas
Aug 11, 2020
1:00 PM–2:00 PM
Registration Closed
8/11/2020 1:00:00 PM
8/11/2020 2:00:00 PM
How Washington Gas is approaching renewable natural gas
Washington Gas wanted to know: how much money could be saved by using renewable natural gas as a GHG emission reduction strategy? They commissioned a study to understand the economic impact of delivering RNG to all sectors of the economy—and the extent to which it can contribute to broader climate and clean energy commitments.
Experts from Washington Gas and ICF will discuss:
- The potential economic and environmental impacts of deploying RNG to help meet decarbonization objectives.
- The key opportunities—and challenges—of RNG deployment across various end uses.
- Strategies to help foster a conducive policy and regulatory framework for RNG production and consumption.
File Under
- Energy
- Environment
- Decarbonization
- Climate
Stephen Soulé
Director, Strategy & Corporate Development, Washington Gas
John O'Brien
Executive Vice President, Strategy & Public Affairs, WGL Holdings Inc., and Washington Gas