Virtual Event
Speeding disaster recovery by streamlining funding disbursement
1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
Speeding disaster recovery by streamlining funding disbursement
Processing and disbursing disaster recovery funding is complex. To avoid unnecessary delays and speed the delivery of aid to subrecipients, it’s important to have the appropriate resources and processes in place well before a disaster hits.
Since Hurricanes Maria and Irma struck Puerto Rico in 2017, the Puerto Rico Central Office of Recovery, Reconstruction, and Resiliency (COR3) has disbursed $7.1 billion—the largest amount disbursed in FEMA history. COR3 was also recognized by FEMA and the Government of Puerto Rico for providing compliant VAYGo (Verify As You Go) audited files.
Join this live webinar to learn:
- How COR3 collaborates with the state government and its contractors to process funding requests more effectively and efficiently.
- How to develop and improve processes and controls for funding disbursement to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Strategies to navigate potential roadblocks that can impact the approval and disbursement of funding requests, including lessons learned from multiple disasters in Puerto Rico.
File Under
- Disaster management
- Disaster recovery
- Grants Management
Zulma Rovira-Pérez, Esq.
Grants Director, Puerto Rico Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency
Mayté Bayolo-Alonso
Deputy Grants Director, Puerto Rico Central Office for Recovery, Reconstruction and Resiliency
Rebecca Silva
Grants Management Advisory Senior Manager, Falcón Sánchez & Associates, PSC