About ICF
Rick Wilder
Team Lead, Fish and Aquatic Science
Rick is a fish and aquatic science expert with nearly 20 years of experience conducting original research and applying expert knowledge to fisheries-related management issues.
Rick’s experience and expertise includes freshwater and marine fisheries research, environmental impact assessment, and fish habitat conservation planning. He also has experience with large field study implementation, long-term monitoring programs, expert witness testimony, data management and analysis, and project management. He has assisted in the preparation of numerous environmental compliance and permitting documents in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the California Environmental Quality Act, and federal and California Endangered Species Acts.
Prior to working in the private industry, Rick served as the assistant project manager of a long-term fish monitoring program in the San Francisco Estuary. His Ph.D. and post-doctoral research focused on human impacts on reef fish populations in the Pacific Ocean. Rick’s ResearchGate profile can be found here.
Prior to working in the private industry, Rick served as the assistant project manager of a long-term fish monitoring program in the San Francisco Estuary. His Ph.D. and post-doctoral research focused on human impacts on reef fish populations in the Pacific Ocean. Rick’s ResearchGate profile can be found here.
Areas of expertise
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara
B.S. Biology, University of California, Los Angeles
Wilder R.M., J.L. Hassrick, L.F. Grimaldo, M.F.D. Greenwood, S. Acuña, J.M. Burns, D.M. Maniscalco, P.K. Crain, T-C. Hung. 2016. Feasibility of PIT and acoustic tagging for endangered adult Delta Smelt. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 36: 1167-1177.
Wilder R., L. Grimaldo, M. Greenwood, J. Hassrick, P. Crain, D. Maniscalco, J. Burns, T.-C. Hung. 2015. New Tagging Technology for Small, Listed Non-Salmonid Fishes: PIT and Acoustic Tag Retention and Survival of Delta Smelt. Presentation at the 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, OR.
Wilder R. and C. Marcinkevage. 2014. Potential Effects of Future Climate Change on Salmonids in California’s Central Valley. Presentation at the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, California-Nevada Chapter. Sacramento, CA.
Wilder R.M. and J.F. Ingram. 2006. Temporal patterns in catch rates of juvenile Chinook salmon and trawl net efficiencies in the lower Sacramento River. Interagency Ecological Program Newsletter. 19(1):18-28.
Wilder, R.M., M.J. Marshall, J.F. Ingram, J. Pedretti, and B.P. Powell. 2006. Just add water: spatial and temporal patterns of larval, juvenile, and adult fishes within Liberty Island. Presentation at the 4th Biennial CALFED Science Conference. Sacramento, CA.