Hannah Twaddell
Hannah Twaddell has 33 years of experience in multimodal transportation planning, with an emphasis on promoting sustainable, equitable, vibrant communities by integrating transportation and land use to achieve economic, social, and environmental goals.
Following a 13-year tenure with the Metropolitan Planning Organization in her home community of Charlottesville, Virginia, Hannah was a consultant planner, facilitator, and educator for local, state, and national agencies for the past 20 years. She has led numerous research studies and written guidebooks for the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA), National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Transit Cooperative Research Program(TCRP), AARP, and state departments of transportation, including the recently published “TCRP Report 214: Guide to Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes”; the FHWA report “Environmental Justice Analysis in Transportation Planning and Programming State of Practice Research”; and a new chapter in the Caltrans Smart Mobility Implementation Framework on addressing equity.
Hannah also developed and taught National Highway Institute courses; published more than 40 articles; and created training resources on topics such as equitable accessibility, pedestrian and bicycle planning, multimodal connectivity, travel demand management, context-sensitive solutions, mobility for persons with disabilities and older adults, scenario planning, public engagement, and visioning.
She co-chairs the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee AEP15, Transportation Planning, Analysis and Applications, actively supports committees on Public Involvement and Equity in Transportation, and served on the planning committee for the TRB American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2019 national conference on Performance and Data in Transportation Decision Making.
M.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.A., Oberlin College
Guide to Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes, National Academies of Science Transportation Research Board Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 214, 2020.
Environmental Justice Analysis in Transportation Planning and Programming State of Practice Research, USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2019.
Community Connections Innovation Handbook and Case Studies, USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2018
Guidebook for Measuring Multimodal Connectivity, USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2017.
Supporting Performance Based Planning and Programming Through Scenario Planning, USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2016.
Advancing Transportation Systems Management and Operations Through Scenario Planning, USDOT Federal Highway Administration, 2016.