About ICF

Samir Succar

Senior Director, Distributed Grid Strategy
Samir develops innovative approaches to distribution system planning, distributed resource integration, and transmission/distribution coordination.

Samir develops innovative approaches to distribution system planning, grid modernization strategy, and distributed energy resource (DER) integration. He focuses on the impact of DER and the implications for utility business models and system planning processes. Samir’s work also includes distribution system operations and DER aggregation, optimization, and coordination. He leads energy infrastructure resilience and integrated distribution planning efforts, including DER forecasting, locational value assessment, and hosting capacity analysis. Additional focus areas include the alignment of distribution system planning, transmission planning, and integrated resource planning processes to reflect DER impacts and contributions to system needs. Samir has extensive experience in wholesale power markets modeling, power market supply-demand fundamentals, forward price curve assessments, and generation asset valuations.

Samir’s prior work includes wholesale market design, energy storage optimization, and gas-electric integration. His research has touched on macroeconomic modeling of carbon abatement policies to facilitate renewable integration and accelerate deployment of low carbon generation. He has also examined integration issues associated with utility-scale renewable energy and enabling technologies for variable energy resources. This work centers on implementing energy storage as a strategy for enhancing transmission infrastructure utilization and mitigating the variability of renewable energy with particular attention to large-scale energy storage systems.

"Integrated distribution planning is predicated on reflecting the full set of values that all resources can provide. This requires capabilities that enable DER integration and utilization and alignment with resource planning and transmission planning to reflect the value of those resources to all parts of the system."
  • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
  • B.A., Physics, Oberlin College


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FERC 2222: On-ramp for DER market participation, or a detour?
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Realizing the promise of integrated electricity planning
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Where's the value in hosting capacity analysis?
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The value in distributed energy: It's all about location
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