About ICF

Himali Parmar

Vice President, Energy Advisory Services, Interconnection and Transmission
Himali joined ICF in 2002 and is an expert in renewable integration, interconnection assessments, production cost modeling, forecasting transmission congestion and losses, and their effect on locational power prices and asset valuation.

Himali joined ICF in 2002 and is an expert in renewable integration, interconnection assessments, production cost modeling, forecasting transmission congestion and losses, and their effect on locational power prices and asset valuation. Himali and her team have delivered market and transmission due diligence support for approximately 30 GW of renewable projects over the last two years. She regularly provides financing and lending agencies with an independent and unbiased view of the future market and grid conditions and the economic viability of individual assets. Himali closely follows interconnection and transmission issues and proposed transmission plans across various power markets, performs independent assessments of reliability issues on the grid, and identifies mitigation plans to alleviate those issues.

Himali is proficient in load flow simulation tools such as Power World, GE PSLF, PowerGem, and production cost modeling tools such as GE’s MAPS and ABB’s PROMOD models. Himali previously worked as a planning engineer at American Transmission Company, WI and developed short- and long-term transmission system plans for the company.

Areas of expertise
  • M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, 2001
  • B.S., Electrical Engineering, Punjab Technical University, India, 1999


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3 insights for community solar developers to maximize ROI
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Can the new FERC Order 2023 solve the interconnection queue bottlenecks?
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Selecting the right clean energy project sites can maximize IRA benefits
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Will FERC’s transmission NOPR accelerate deployment of the much-needed transmission infrastructure?
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PJM’s interconnection reforms: Implications for queued projects and developers
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Are transmission cost allocation rules keeping low-cost renewable power off the grid?
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Navigating the PJM interconnection process for wind and solar projects
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Developing no-regrets approaches to battery energy storage financing
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Is the grid ready for tremendous renewable energy growth?
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Using powerflow studies to push PTC projects across the finish line
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Here's what may happen if ERCOT introduces marginal losses
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The price tag of a solar eclipse
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Wind in southwest power pool (SPP) is not so simple
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Drought puts California transmission in dire straits
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Are you ready for your next wind deal?
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