About ICF

Chris Elliott

Senior Vice President, West Line of Business Leader, Environment & Planning Division
Chris is a senior vice president, managing our west line of business for ICF’s environment and planning division. With more than 30 years of experience in environmental regulatory compliance, habitat restoration, flood management, and water resource projects, Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this role.

Chris Elliot is a senior vice president and the line of business leader for ICF’s environment and planning division for the western states—a business unit of $70M annual revenues and more than 300 employees. Chris manages all aspects of the business, including safety programs and contractual compliance for clients including the Bureau of Reclamation, California Department of Water Resources, California Department of Transportation, and the Pacific Gas & Electric Company.

Chris oversees program and contract management for complex environmental technical studies and regulatory compliance processes for water resources, flood management, habitat restoration, ports and other transportation facilities, and open space planning projects. His expertise includes environmental documentation, permitting, development of design objectives and guidelines, facilitation of public meetings, and preparation of construction documents.

Chris specializes in Sacramento Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta systems and the integration of multi-use goals into projects such as water supply, flood control, public use, and habitat objectives. Chris’s regulatory expertise includes NEPA, CEQA, CWA (sections 401, 402, and 404), ESA, NHPA (section 106), California Fish & Game Code (sections 1600 and 2800), and the Rivers and Harbors Act (including section 408 for the alteration of federal works).

Chris is also a former editor of the “Floodplain Management & Liability Reporter” which is a national monthly publication. In this role, he authored articles focused on environmental issues associated with flood management.

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