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About ICF

Matt Curry

Director, Health Research

Matt is an expert in the implementation of large, complex studies that examine the role of social, environmental, and lifestyle factors in chronic disease.

Matt is an expert in the implementation of large, complex studies that examine the role of social, environmental, and lifestyle factors in chronic disease. With over 20 years of experience leading and supporting federally funded health research programs, he has served as principal investigator, co-principal investigator, and project director for numerous research support services contracts for the National Institutes of Health intramural programs.

Previously, Matt served as the project director for the Gulf Study, a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences-funded study of the health effects of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, the largest maritime oil spill in history. The NIEHS launched the study in response to community concerns about the health effects of clean-up work and living near polluted beaches. From 2010 to 2021, Matt led a multidisciplinary research team that supported community outreach, recruitment and enrollment, exposure assessment, multi-modal data collection, cohort retention, data management, and statistical analyses.

Earlier in his career, Matt managed multicenter clinical trials of novel treatments for asthma among children living in the United States’ inner cities, where air pollution, poor housing conditions, and other environmental factors make asthma worse. He also directed a statistical and data coordinating center for an international research network that conducted clinical trials of new treatments for food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and post-transplant organ rejection.

He has gained substantial expertise leading large, complex studies from design through implementation and analysis through these efforts.

Other areas of expertise: Population-based epidemiologic research, Exposure assessment, Clinical research, Multicenter clinical trials, Statistical and data coordinating centers, Health disparities, Health effects of disasters

  • M.A., East Carolina University
  • B.S.N., East Carolina University
