About ICF

John Boyle

Senior Advisor, Survey Research
John is a research expert with more than 30 years of experience in the design, execution, analysis, and reporting of large-scale health surveys.

John is senior advisor to our survey research practice, an organization he previously led for five years. Before joining our team, he was executive vice president at Abt SRBI, senior partner at SRBI and senior vice president at Louis Harris and Associates. He also served on the research faculty of the Columbia University School of Public Health.

John has directed health surveys for many federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the Office of Technology Assessment, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Defense.

John has been an invited presenter at the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th Conferences on Health Survey Research Methods sponsored by the National Center for Health Statistics. As a well-known survey methodologist, he served on the National Academy of Science's Panel on the Measurement of Rape and Sexual Assault in Bureau of Justice Statistics Household Surveys.

Areas of expertise
  • Ph.D, Philosophy, Columbia University
  • M.A., Philosophy, Columbia University
  • M.A., George Washington University
  • B.A., University of Notre Dame
  • Boyle J, Berman L, Dayton J, Iachan R, Jans M, and R ZuWallack, “Physical Measures and Biomarker Collection in Health Surveys: Propensity to Participate”, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Vol 17, Issue 5, May 2021.
  • Boyle J, Berman L, Nowak G, Iachan R, Middleton D, and Deng Y, “ An Assessment of parents’ childhood immunization beliefs, intentions, and behaviors using a smartphone panel, Vaccine, 38 (2020) 2416-2423.
  • Boyle J, Iachan R, Freedner-Maguire N, and Fakhouri T, “Characteristics of the Population of Internet Panel Members”, Survey Practice, September 30, 2017.
  • Boyle, J, “The Use of Online Panels to Characterize the Management of Rare Diseases: The Case of Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases, in Blumberg S and Johnson T, eds., Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Health Survey Research Methods. Hyattsville, MD: CDC, National Center for Health Statistics. November 2013.
  • Boyle J, Bucuvalas M, Piekarski L, and Weiss A, “Zero Banks: Coverage Error and Bias in RDD Samples Based on Hundred Banks with Listed Numbers”, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 73, Number 4, Winter 2009.
  • Acierno R, Ruggerio K, Galea S, Resnick H, Koenen K, Roitzsch J, de Arellano M, Boyle J, & D Kilpatrick, “Psychological Sequelae Resulting from the 2004 Florida Hurricanes: Implication for Postdisaster Intervention”, American Journal of Public Health, April 2007.


Consumer Recovery Report: Health consumers report changing behaviors
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Declining survey response rates are a problem—here's why
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COVID-19 Survey: American frequent traveler attitudes dip further amid embrace of masks
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Could requiring a COVID-19 vaccination for school or work convince more Americans to get vaccinated?
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Rural Americans feel less threatened by COVID-19 than urban and suburban Americans do, but still view mitigation as important
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As cases increase, American trust in COVID-19 information from federal, state, and local governments continues to decline
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Many Americans remain hesitant about getting a COVID-19 immunization as soon as an FDA-approved vaccine is available
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LGBTQ community faces greater health and economic challenges due to COVID-19
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Unemployed Americans are struggling financially, yet they think it is too soon to reopen nonessential businesses.
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Mental health update: Economic challenges caused by COVID-19 linked to greater psychological distress.
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To get Americans to embrace the COVID-19 vaccine, scientists will need to be the messengers.
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As states relaxed restrictions in May, how did Americans feel about the threat of COVID-19 to their health?
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American trust in COVID-19 information from federal and state/local government is trending downward
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Even as stay-at-home orders were extended in April, Americans continued to favor public health over the economy.
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How did the pandemic impact American mental health in April?
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Americans still see COVID-19 as a threat–but increasingly feel that the worst is behind us
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Survey reveals the need for stronger mental health recovery infrastructure
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Who do Americans trust for COVID-19 news and information?
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Americans pick public health over the economy—even with near-record unemployment.
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Do Americans see COVID-19 as a personal threat?
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Looking to hire a survey contractor? Here are 6 ways to pick a winner.
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