The Clean Air Technologies Program for CenterPoint Energy
CenterPoint Energy of Houston came to ICF with the goal of increasing revenue and growing its business in an environmentally responsible way. Tall order, but right up our alley.
ICF has a strong track record of results-based energy solutions--including the adoption of electrotechnologies—matching business needs with the best possible technology solutions, and providing local expertise with deep knowledge about a client’s business context. Of note in this case was ICF’s knowledge of how to make best use of Texas Emissions Reduction Plan (TERP) grant incentives, based on its experience securing more than $4.5 million in TERP grants for Houston-area businesses since the program’s inception.
In this case study, learn how with ICF’s technology assessment, analysis, and guidance, CenterPoint was able to achieve its goals, displace fossil-fueled equipment with electric-powered equipment, and prolong the life expectancy (and revenue stream) of its investment.
Download the case study now to learn:
- What were the three key technology areas of focus for CenterPoint’s business and revenue growth needs?
- How could local cultural knowledge facilitate discussions and negotiations?
- Could TERP grants be used to the benefit of both equipment dealers and CenterPoint?
- How is ICF helping CenterPoint demonstrate the ongoing effectiveness and impact of the program?
- What was the increase in revenues and reduction in emissions as a result of this program?