The State of Louisiana was battered by severe winds and flood damage caused by Hurricane Katrina and other major disasters.
ICF assisted over 70 different agencies throughout Louisiana to help in their recovery efforts from assessing damages to establishing temporary facilities, environmental and historic preservation, and, procurement oversight.
FEMA to award more funding based on the analyses of itemized damage reports and documented scope of work.
5x more
$4.8 billion+
12+ years

Together, ICF and ORM have worked diligently to assist Louisiana agencies in the recovery from more than eight declared disasters. This partnership became an integral part through the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, Ike, Bonnie, Isaac, Harvey, Tropical Storm Lee, and flooding in both March and August of 2016.

FEMA’s combined initial damage assessment to repair and restore these state agencies was under $1 billion. Based on our analyses, they made decisions to either repair or replace buildings accordingly, with FEMA ultimately agreeing. ICF invested many years of carefully writing Project Worksheets (PWs) for the respective projects to be accurate and compliant. The total combined eligible funding for both temporary and permanent work to repair each state agency we have worked with amounted to over $4.8 billion and it continues to grow.